Purpose and principle of pen cover durability testing machine

Publish Time: Author: SkyLine Editor
A pen cover durability testing machine is a device used to test the fatigue performance of pen sleeves. It is commonly used to test the fatigue performance of writing tools such as pens, ballpoint pens, and mechanical pencils.
A pen cover durability testing machine is a device used to test the fatigue performance of pen sleeves. It is commonly used to test the fatigue performance of writing tools such as pens, ballpoint pens, and mechanical pencils.

The working principle of a pen cover durability testing machine is to simulate the movement trajectory of hand writing and apply cyclic bending, compression, and torsion loading to the pen sleeve to measure the deformation of the pen sleeve under different stresses, thus determining the fatigue performance of the pen sleeve.
pen cover durability testing machine
A pen cover durability testing machine is generally composed of a test bed, a test mechanism, a control system, and a recorder. The test bed is equipped with a device that simulates the movement trajectory of hand writing, which can apply cyclic bending, compression, and torsion loading to the pen sleeve to simulate the movement trajectory of hand writing. The test mechanism is responsible for transmitting the movement of the test device to the pen sleeve and controlling the speed and loading degree of the test. The control system is responsible for controlling the process of the test, including the test speed, loading degree, and number of cycles. The recorder is responsible for recording the deformation of the pen sleeve during the test and saving the data in a computer.

Through the testing of a pen cover durability testing machine, important reference data can be provided for the design and production of pen sleeves, helping enterprises improve the quality and reliability of pen sleeves. At the same time, a pen cover durability tester can also be used to inspect the produced pen sleeves to ensure that they meet the quality standards, thus ensuring the quality of the pen sleeves.

Overall, a pen cover durability testing machine is an important quality control device that can help enterprises improve product quality and enhance market competitiveness.

Tags: durability testing machine | durability tester |


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